Sunday, July 17, 2011

Skin and Bones

You look great!  I hear that a lot, but sometimes the trouble isn’t on the outside, but the inside.  This trouble on the inside sometimes has a result of the problem on the outside.  Make sense?
I knew it was too good to be true.  Last weekend I had the BEST weekend in a long time.  I wasn’t “sick.”  People were over my house all weekend and I was “healed.”  No problems whatsoever.  Energy was flying around me and I took advantage of it because I knew my body would turn on me at some time.  This was the weekend for “the turn.”  Actually, I should say it started during the middle of the week. 
Autoimmune diseases….many of us have them.  We may “look normal” but for some, our bodies are tore up from the floor up.  For many, we are taking chemo drugs, like me, to keep things in control.  Here are just a few of my reactions:
·        stomach pain
·        nausea
·        dizziness
·        hair loss
·        lowered resistance to infection
·        mouth sores
I won’t go on, as these are reactions from ONE medication.  I am sure you get the picture.   Although last week my husband said that I looked like I had a bruise on my cheek.  Nope, just discoloration from the disease.  And wouldn’t you know it; one part of my discoloration is right under my nose.  I have a summer moustache without the hair.  Isn’t life great?
I am a people person.  I LOVE being around people and I hate the fact that I have to remove myself from a get together and have my husband escort me home because I am doubled over, with tears in my eyes. 
Do I sometimes want to give up?  You bet I do.  Do I want to not take my meds because I am sick and tired?  Another, you bet I do.    But I have shared before what happens when I remove the chemicals from my body….I can’t move.  I fall into things because the bottoms of my feet aren’t working.
People think I am nuts when I say my best form of therapy is working with the kids at school.  It really is because there is no time to think of you.  When I have my infamous Mickey Mouse hands, I just walk myself to the office and get an ice pack to cool them down.
I know this too shall pass; I just need to be patient.  I will just continue working through each day hour to hour, minute to minute, and sometimes second to second.
I have a new favorite song called Skin and Bones by David J. Koch.  Powerful song.  I have posted the clip from So You Think You Can Dance, showing how beautiful the pairing of dance is with the song.
After all, when it is all said and done, aren’t we all just Skin and Bones?

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