Saturday, March 26, 2011

When I grow up I wanna be….a singer or an actress.

When I grow up I wanna be….a singer or an actress.
Yes, those were dreams of mine, to be a singer or an actress.  After all, my mom did say to me, “You are so dramatic you should be an actress!”   What could she be talking about?  Could it have been the time when I was painting my nails red and accidentally spilled it on my bed?  Good grief I couldn’t let my mother know that I spilled this on the bed, especially since she had warned me about the red nail polish.  So what does any good academy award winning actress do?  They scream at the top of their lungs, “I’M BLEEDING, I’M BLEEDING!”  As any good mother does when their child is hollering bloody murder, my mom comes into my room to see this “blood.”  “That’s not blood, that’s NAIL POLISH!”  “No it’s not!  I’m bleeding!!”  At this point I am sure my mother just looked at me with the oh so common expression we all use today and said, “Really?”  Let’s not forget my mom is a nurse and was the head of Infection Control at the hospital where she worked.  I think she had a time or thousand dealing with the sick and the bleeding.  Needless to say, I didn’t win an Oscar that year.
Anybody who knows me also knows I love to sing.  It’s always been one of my “things.”  This, too, started when I was young.  I used to love to sit in front of the stereo and sing while holding a record.  I was possibly the inventor of the term “spinning records.”  When I would sit in front of the stereo I would also be “spinning a record” in my hands.  Only my spinning was holding an album and turning it like a steering wheel.  One after the other, this is what I would do.  Total entertainment for all!
This generation has no idea of what sitting and staring at an album cover, while a record is playing in the background, making that lovely “popping” noise is like.  I loved my parents’ albums and would stand on a stool and gaze at the record spinning around and around.  Plus, it also helped, the arm to the stereo looked like a black snake.  Cobra needles were also what were used in the stereo.  I am sure that at that time I thought there possibly could be a snake playing those records, and the snakes tongue was how the record played.  Talk about technology!  Beat that one, Apple IPOD.  Can you make a snake tongue play an album?
Unfortunately, through an awful flood, pretty much all my albums were destroyed.  My albums were in alphabetical order by name and by release date.  I do have things on cd and on a computer, but it just doesn’t have the same “pop” as listening to an album.  My son always teaches me things in this new electronic world.  Never did I think I would be teaching him how to listen to Stairway To Heaven on a record player.  When I told him to put the needle on the first song, he moved the needle all the way to the bottom of the album!  Aha!  Finally, I could show this little wise one something about technology!
Well, I never grew up to be an actress or a singer; however, my kindergarten class gets the opportunity to hear me belt out a tune every once in awhile, if they like it or not.
Have a great weekend and remember to laugh loudly and smile.

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